01652 648 787

Meet The Team

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Richard Clements

Managing director

He's a hard bargainer but with a heart of gold, he's the main man that drives us all, And always on top of his game. He can always be found at the end of the phone to help you part with your machines, as our buyer he's the man to sell your machines to.
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Graham ClementS

Managing director

Enjoys the more hands on approach keeping everyone on their toes. Being a keen horse carriage driver his general opinion is that there are 'drivers and Screwdrivers' most of us therefore fall into the latter!

Sarah Pyrah

Office Manager

Sarah is one of our longest serving members and has been a fundamental key in driving the company forward. Newly appointed as office manager she is the lady in the know.

Graeme "Skelly" Skelton

Sales Manager

Graeme has been with us for several years, he was new to plant machinery but with over 35 years experience in agricultural machinery graeme joined us from farmstar, with his vast ag machinery and technical knowledge he aims to fulfil your machinery needs efficiently. "Moving from the ag world to the plant world....I'm hoping for an easier life".!!!!

Callum 'Hollywood' Williams

Sales Representative

Callum is a key member of our sales team and a pleasure to have in the office. Whens hes not "hollywooding" a story he likes watching boxing and spending time with his family.

Heather '1950'S Jiver' Brumpton

Customer Care & Logistics Manager

Heather spends her weekends travelling back in time to the 1940's and 1950's for a spot of jiving, but during the week she will look after all your customer care requirements."
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Mark 'sparky' roberts

Workshop Manager

Mark is the workshop commander and the true no 1. With over 30 years experience he knows jcb's inside out. Hes the man to call if you have any issues with your machine. A keen model plane pilot, he spends his weekends flying.
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Kevin "Kev" Bartle

Workshop Supervisor

Kev is the workshops number two and our main on call technician, hes the man who will be attending to any breakdowns in your warranty period. Kevin enjoys motorcycling and is a member of the lincolnshire enduro club.
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Adrian Hynes

Plant Fitter

Adrian is now one of our longer serving technicians and has been an asset over the years. In between rebuilding machines he enjoys walking his siberian husky, motor biking around the countryside and a spot of golf.
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Stephen 'banno' Bannister

Plant Fitter

Steve is an experienced and knowledgeable plant fitter specialising in engine rebuilds. On his off days he enjoys motorbike riding and chasing around after his young son.
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Pete 'doc' Doherty

Plant Fitter

In Memory of a fanstic individual who brightened up everyones day both at home and at work. Pete was sadly taken from us last year and as a mark of repect wish to leave his photo on our meet the team page. Pete you were like family and you may have gone but shall never be forgotton"
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Tom Goy

Plant Fitter

Tom is one of our younger technicians who has advanced over the years. Now a key memeber in the workshop he will get your machine fixed. Out of work he enjoys off road bikes and racing his honda round cadwell park.
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Uri (Smiler) Kupreiciks

Plant fitter

Uri is our most recent addition to the workshop team bringing an array of skills along with an exceptional work ethic. No matter how big the job Uri will jump in with a smile on his face. Outside of work he enjoys rebuilding classic car engines and is currently building a go-kart for his son.
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Jake (Green Fingers) Firth

Plant fitter

A once active landscape Gardner now turned professional plant fitter. Jake has developed a keen eye for detail making him a welcome addition to our team. An enthusiastic hiker in his spare time you can rest assure that he will go the extra mile on servicing your machine.
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Dave Taylor


Dave is our metal works wizard performing miracles in his fabrication shop. when he does get a breather from his heavy workload he enjoys relaxing at home listening to rock music.

Leigh 'umpa Lumpa'' Smith

Paint Shop Manager

The main man in the paint shop, a true proffesional with a keen eye for detail he's busy making your machines look like 'new' . As an ex bmw painter he certainly knows how to give a quality finish. On the weekends he is busy motorbike trialing with his son.
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John 'Sandicus' Holmes

Paint Sprayer

John started here on the wash bay and has now advanced into a key member of our paintshop team. Recently completing his nvq training he is the man to restore your machine to near perfect condition. Enjoys the easy family life when away from work.
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Clayton "Technician" Bull

Paint Sprayer

With an eye for detail and a finish most would aspire to, Clayton is a welcome addition to our paint shop team. Embraces every day full of energy and a smile. His only achilles heal is the Essex twang he so adores. Outside of work he is a full on petrol head embarking on high adrenaline track days. When relaxing he enjoys time with his wife and four dogs."
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Danny "Part-time" Harvey

Lorry Driver

Danny is our new wagon driver and comes to us with a ton of experience, so rest assured your machine will be delivered no matter what the distance. Lets just hope he can get there and back quickly as he doesnt like working more than four days a week
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Jamie 'chapperz' Chapman

Yard Supervisor

Our very own yard chief keeping everything moving. When he is not supervising the yard Jamie likes a little game shooting in the local area. However, I wouldn’t invite him to a barbeque as he is some what of a “fire” starter.
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Michael Marchant


Our time served washer and valter, michael knows how to get those machines clean. Once the bell rings for home Michael enjoys socialising (we think thats the posh term for getting drunk!), watching the football and going down the local pond for a spot of fishing.
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Lee ‘racer’ johnson


Lee is a key member of our valet team making the machines shine. when hes not racing around in his loud car he enjoys time with the family and mountain biking.
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Chris ‘Flash’ Thompson


Chris is the latest addition to our valet team. Always keen to help with a smile. Once a keen footballer in the past he still knows how to move and can get round the machines in a flash. Outside of work enjoys walking his dogs and watching action films.